Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Meditation on Mission

This nicely states the attitude with which our Dominican Journey teams approach their work.

It is God's Mission not ours and we are joining God in Kingdom work.  This means that rather than taking God and the Gospel into the mission field, we are joining God who is already working out there calling us to join in the adventure.  Let us curb the arrogance and paternalism that subtly conveys the message that Western Christians have the superior version of the Good News.
- The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand

We do not go to the Dominican to tell the people how to do things, but to look, listen and learn about what they need and then help them achieve it.

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19 - Donations are Still Arriving

Just over 2 weeks to go and the donations are still trickling in.  There is a little space left in 2 of our hockey bags for the recent donations.  After that, any donations will have to go next year unless we can find another group willing to take them.

Hockey bags - each one can weigh 50 pounds.
Spanish Books for Children
Variety of Items - books, office supplies, cloth purses, etc.
Jewelry for Ladies
And more Jewelry
Caps, School Supplies, etc.
Shawls and Hats for Newborn Babies
Reading Glasses
Crocheted Bibs for Babies

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Preparation for Journey 2018 - January 9th

Dominican Journeys 2018, with 6 members, will be in the Sosua area of the Dominican from February 3rd to the 10th, working with Servant's Heart Ministries.  Bea and I have been collecting needed items since we got back from last year's Journey and have enough to fill 6 hockey bags.  Each person can take 2 bags.  Team members try to get all their personal needs and clothing in their carry-on luggage.  The other 4 team members are from Kitchener and have raised enough money to purchase 7 laptop computers - one for administrative use and 6 for a computer lab in the library, where we built book shelves last year.

Art Supplies
Medications and Cosmetics

Wash cloths and Towels

Shoes and Flip-Flops

School Supplies

Crafting Supplies

Cosmetic Bags, etc. for Girls

Baby Clothes

Briefs and Socks

Sports Equipment

More Baby Stuff
Knitted Dolls for Children
Knitted Bears for Children