Sunday, February 17, 2013

Our final day in the DR (Saturday) began with a reading by Cath about ‘The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee’.  The story provides an interesting perspective on the relative importance of events in our lives.

We then boarded the bus to Lomas de Loschivos for the ‘dedication’ of the new home for Maria’s family.  There has been rotating sickness among the team members and today it was M&M’s turn to stay behind in their room (Marlene and Marilyn).  

Once all the ‘dignitaries’ had arrived, we formed a line and were ‘piped’ down to the homesite by Bill, accompanied by the howling and barking of several local dogs.  The villagers were no doubt wondering what the ‘gringos’ were up to now.  

The Pie-eyed Piper of Goat Hill

Phil began the dedication with a blessing of the house and family and we then sang, “They Will Know We are Christians by Our Love”, subsequently translated by Jessie.

Phil asks a Blessing on the Family and Their New Home

Bea and Harry then explained the Canadian tradition of presenting ‘house warming’ gifts to those who are moving into a new house.  Each of the children received a ‘grocery bag’ of gifts and Maria was given a hockey bag full of bedding, towels, etc. plus 3 bags of food and a large plastic bucket of cleaning supplies, a broom and a mop.  Maria was overwhelmed with our generosity and couldn’t imagine how she could ever repay us.  She was told that she could pay her blessings forward by continuing to help others in the community.

Bea Handing Out ‘House Warming’ Gifts
A Bucket of Food and Household Supplies
Some Gifts for the Children
Following the dedication, pop was distributed to all the people in attendance.   Kids milled around and played while the adults stood talking and laughing and generally getting into the spirit of the celebration.

Party Time
Every Kid Knows What to Do With a Toy Car

Our Team With Maria and Family in Front of Her New Home

Her Present Home

Post Script:  The final construction and painting of Maria’s new house will be carried out over the next couple of weeks.  Enough money has been left with Phil to replace the  roof and make other improvements to Maria’s present home so that she will be able to rent it as a source of income.  Someone noted that it was 2 months to the day that Maria’s husband died.

PPS:  Our plane departed 2 hours late from the DR due to mechanical issues earlier in the day.  Arrival in Toronto was at midnight, but our departure for home was further delayed by over half an hour when the baggage car got stuck in the snow.   The Georgetown crew of John & Bea, Harry & Helen, arrived home by limo at around 2 a.m.   Ahhhh, peace and quiet at last in a familiar bed.  Home, sweet home!  No doubt Maria is thinking the same thing.

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