Saturday, February 4, 2012

Report from Week 1 Group

Friday - Day 6

Another fantastic day. Weather was good. 

We had a bit of a sleep in. Freddy and Denis picked us up at 9:15. 

Off to Poncho Mateo - very poor village where lots of Haitians live. There is no running water. Once a day a truck comes in with water. 'Island Light' mission comes in twice a week and helps with feeding a few families. 

Then into Ascension village. In our early years we worked primarily in this village. 'Island Light' comes in 3 times per week. This program helps a lot in the community. Filling the tummies of little children. 

Distributed our diapers and such to the families and then helped in the feeding program. The usual chaos ensued but eventually over 200 children were filled with the hearty soup from 'Ontario Christian Gleaners'. Bill played some tunes on his bagpipe, which of course the children loved. 

On the road again to 'Mosbi' village for our food distribution. Once again chaos ensued but we were able to organize 75 grocery bags full of food. Then we had the delightful task of collecting tickets and giving them the bag. 6 team members helped carry the very heavy bags to their casas (houses). 

Back to the resort and a much needed rest. After dinner read the journal and discussed how we spend our money on all the much needed projects. 

Last day - always very bittersweet. 

Julie and Dave. 
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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