Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Got off to a better start today – lunches were ready!  Once we were seated on the bus, Cath informed us that, “It’s going to be a little hectic today.  We’ll be going in separate directions together”.  Huh??  It brought to mind the office sign of a former colleague at school:  I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard me say is not what I meant.

The group was divided among 3 locations today.  (Ah, that’s what she meant.)  First stop was Can Grejo, where Phil and Donna Williams, a couple from Nova Scotia, started a church/school building a few years ago. It now has 4 classes of students and will continue adding a class each year until grade 8, when hopefully some will continue on to higher education.  Phil came on the bus and announced a tour of the village if any new people were aboard.  Someone pointed at Vic (who has been coming here for many years).  Phil retorted, “Vic’s not new, he just forgets he’s been here”.  Some of us went to see the school library which received money from Norval Church congregation last year.  Several men stayed to help put up chain link fencing, paint the new ‘storage house’ and to try to sort out some wiring problems.

Bea and I traveled to Sosua Abaho to help paint part of a school.  Eight of us painted for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon and accomplished our assignment.  The school administrator and teachers were thrilled.  We were the first group to come and help them. 

Most of the remaining folks went to Liberacion village where Phil and Donna have a medical clinic.  Medical Supplies were brought by Journey 2012 were donated to the clinic.  One of our team members, Carolyn, spent part of her day examining children at one of the schools and at Liberacion.  Also at Liberacion a workshop was held for about 25 young girls and boys on how to make bracelets from ‘gimp’ (plastic string).  This was led by our youngest team member, Danny, who had given a workshop the previous evening to those of our team who helped him today.

Phil and Donna recently acquired the services of a young lady who is starting the ‘Empower Girls Program’ which she designed to enable the young women of the area to escape from the cycle of poverty which often leads to prostitution.  This is a ground breaking project in the area and we wish her every success.

So, as you can see, our Journey 2012 team did indeed “go in separate directions together”.

Phil Showing Us the Library

Putting Up the Chain Link Fencing

Painting the School in Sosua Abaho

Clowning in Sosua Abaho

Danny Instructing the Instructors

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